Saturday, 26 November 2011

Quotes and Pics, 2

© KH


Daan said...

like the one about truth not being able to hide for long... it'll come out one way or other......


Sheri said...

You picked some gorgeous photos! I want to transport into any of them.

Bindu Juneja said...

So wonderful.
Are you professional or do it as a hobby?

Kati said...

@Daan, Like that one too!

@Sheri most of the pics are from Scotland! :) I love Scotland! Feel so at home there! Been there erm.. 6 times now, and each time I feel like I belong there!

@Bindu Juneja, I make them just as a hobby! But that's a huge compliment, thank you! :) It takes a long time to look for quotes that match the pics but I like to do it a lot!