Friday, 25 May 2018

Art and third party linking

Due to the new law and rules by the European Union all my art blogs are no longer visible. It's something to do with 'third party links' or something. I've already had that problem with PhotoBucket where I used to post my pictures and paintings from, and now from Tinypic. I understand that some may abuse that third party linking (I have had problems in the past with third party linking) but some of us don't have the space on our computers to store everything we blog about. So I had to decide that there would no longer be an 'Art on Friday' blog which I am very sad about because I loved to look and share the art and talk about it. I know no one cared or even read it but as some wise woman would tell me once; You write and blog only for yourself in the first place. Which is true.

I have to wonder where I am going to go with this blog anyway. I'm not sure anymore. I feel lost without my writing and when I sit down to write I don't know what to write about. I wish there would be a prompt again. Like I did so many years ago. (twice actually)

So here it is; I deleted all my art blogs where I worked so hard on. It is what it is.
When life gives you lemons and all....
I'm going to rethink about my steps for this blog....

William Morris lemon/fruit wallpaper

© KH

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