Monday, 7 September 2015

Back to work

Well that went fast! Two weeks is absolutely nothing, it just flies by when you don't pay attention. Back to work it is only, working with elderly people does have some disadvantage; the first lady of the day was taken to the hospital last week. So my first day back starts of with a free morning rather than working at her house. It's sad of course and I do hope she will get back on her feet really soon.

We always have the pictures to look back at and think back at some lovely days and I still have one more week in October left to look forward too!

Here a small selection of photos made in our holiday. More on my Flickr page and my Picture This photoblog.

 Deventer fountain

 Scheveningen sea side

 Wind, sea, waves what else do you need?

 Paddling in the sea

 Sculptures at sea

 Peace Palace, the Hague

 Paleis Noordeinde, work palace of the King

 Ridderzaal and fountain Binnenhof(part of government building) 

 Maas at Maastricht

 Lovely gateway near church

Statue of saint Servatius, Maastricht

© KH


Jaana said...

Hi Kati :)!

Beautiful pics indeed!
Especially the sea pics!
Sorry that it took so long for me to come here ;)!

Now your blog is also in my Blog List.

Have you noticed that I have changed my blog's name a bit ;)?

Daan said...

you've seen a fair bit of the country then... :-)
loved the seaside pics!
and Maastricht {should go there myself some day...}
thanx for sharing!!

A van de Aa said...

De eerste werkdag zit er weer op .......

Kati said...

Hey Jaana, thanks for stopping by. :) I haven't seen yours yet, but on my way now to read it! Thanks for reminding me!

Hey Daan, I loved being at the sea again, didn't know I missed it so much! :) Hope you got my letter?

Hoi Aa yep de tweede inmiddels ook ;)

Ingrid said...

Beautiful holiday pictures ! I have almost the same picture of Maastricht !